A next-level exploration of Christianity. It takes a closer look at what the Bible has to say about specific issues.
There isn’t a lot of decoration on this site. That’s because this site is not intended to be a source for feel-good messages or inspirational quotes.
This site is designed to be a next-level exploration of Christianity. It is not intended to be a beginner’s introduction.
I have taken a closer look at what the Bible has to say about specific issues. I will quote frequently from the Bible in support of my assertions. Where I note my personal opinions, it will be clear.
I have not attempted to conform to any established church doctrine. I will explain why I believe that some doctrines held by some denominations are inconsistent with a straightforward reading of God’s word. I do not believe that these doctrines interfere with salvation. I do not believe that people that hold to these doctrines are going to Hell. As followers of Jesus, we need to eliminate the poisonous hate and disdain that often goes along with religious conversation. We need to deal with each other in love and understanding and not put unnecessary barriers between people and the love of God.
The Biblical texts quoted on this site are not from any specific Biblical translation. I started with several standard translations, then modified them as I believed necessary to more closely conform to the original intention of the author. This may coincidentally conform to one or more standard translations, but I have specifically attempted to avoid copyright infringement.
Please feel free to post to the comments or email me with specific questions: Arty@artyginosko.org.