The Bible

What it is and why we should trust it

The Old Testament

  • Stop
  • Wash their hands
  • Pray
  • Pick up a special inkpot set aside for the purpose
  • Write, letter-for-letter, the name of God
  • Return the special inkpot
  • Resume copying the text

The New Testament

The Actual Text

  • That He loves us
  • That He created us, and for a purpose
  • The way He wants us to live, both in relation to Him and in relation to each other
  • That we have sinned against Him
  • How we can redeem ourselves from His wrath (animal sacrifice)
  • That He was going to send a savior who would provide a more permanent redemption
  • That He loves us
  • That He created us, and for a purpose
  • The way He wants us to live, both in relation to Him and in relation to each other
  • That we have sinned against Him
  • That we can’t really redeem ourselves from His wrath; animal sacrifice was a temporary measure
  • That Jesus was the savior that He sent to provide a more permanent redemption
  • That Jesus is a Person of God Himself, because that is the only way that we could be redeemed
  • That anyone who accepts Jesus and His offer of salvation will be saved and dwell with God in eternity
  • That anyone who rejects His offer of salvation will be separated from Him forever
  • That the world is going to end, but that we shouldn’t worry about it because He is in charge

Why should I believe it?

Old Testament

  • The beginning of the world
  • The beginning of sin
  • The beginning of God’s work to contain and fix the problem of sin
  • The beginning of Israel
  • The beginning of Israel’s walk with God

New Testament

How we should read the Bible

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